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VOCODER concert | LIGHT ASYLUM | Mauerpfeiffer, Saarbrücken
9. Dezember 2018 @ 19:00 - 23:00

Tickets kaufen: https://www.tixforgigs.com/site/Pages/Shop/ShowEvent.aspx?ID=27703
VOCODER No. III – wir könnten kaum glücklicher sein, unseren nächsten Gast bekanntzugeben:
LIGHT ASYLUM (Brooklyn, N.Y. | USA)
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr / Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Tickets: VVK ab 19.11.2018
At once brutal and romantic, LIGHT ASYLUM exists in a space where industrial gives way to goth, where the city meets the outer regions under the cover of night. The ‘In Tension’ EP (2011) and the follow up self titled debut LP (2012) showcase the projects fluid synth pop attack that shifts elegantly from mid tempo industrial dance to subliminal future-ballads that are deceptively uplifting when considering LIGHT ASYLUM’s relentless dark sheen.
Calling Shannon Funchess a commanding vocalist is an understatement; there is a heaviness and attack in her vocal delivery that is downright sinister. This is contemporary synth pop to a tee that comes to life during their revered live performances.